Learn to use a computer

computer user

If you decide to learn computer, you have made the right choice. With technology advancing, it’s only a matter of time when all jobs require the use of computer. You will soon discover that learning a computer is not difficult at all. Even a 7 year old kid can do it! Today, many of the computer are designed in such a way that it is easy to use.

You might ask yourself, why takes the time and money to “computerize”, while you can use a typewriter to type letters instead of using a computer? Because you get the work done faster, more accurately and at a lesser cost. Of course, it takes practices and patience to learn how to use a computer. Similarly to learning how to use a piano, it take practices. Start with simple task like typing a letter or making accounts. Learn how to switch on and switch off the computer, type with the keyboard, use the mouse, etc. Read the manuals that comes with the computer. Do not be afraid to experiment with the computer and making mistakes. Normally, people learn more from making mistakes. And remember, pressing the wrong button and clicking the wrong icon won’t hurt your computer or you. 😀

Of course, there are a lot more sources of help where you can learn to use a computer.

  1. By following www.howcomputerworks.net. This website is dedicated to make a computer illiterate to become a computer literate. If you follow the website closely, absorbing all the information, i am sure you would be able to master how to use a computer.
  2. Often, there are a lot of computer classes available. Most common are introduction and graphics/art courses and courses that are dedicated in teaching different type of software like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop etc.
  3. Books on computer also also being published every now and then. Just make a visit to the library and you would find tons of books available.
  4. If you are the type that you can only learn by looking at examples, videos may be the right choice for you. Many companies offer videos on popular business software like Word, Excel. Plenty of free videos are available on youtube.

Above are only some examples of sources where you can learn how to use a computer. Most importantly, please remember that practice makes perfect. You will get better and better with practising.


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